“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.”
Oprah Winfrey said that. She should know, she kept a gratitude journal for sixteen years! So here's the deal: as part of Circumspecte's "Behind the Seens" project we're inviting you to keep a "Gratitude Journal" this year - beginning Monday February 3!
Why participate?
Well, I don't know about you, but we seem to always be in a state of wanting. I definitely have moments where I finally have something I'd wished or prayed for moments ago...and yet I'm off chasing down another "want" or "need" without appreciating that which I do have.
If Oprah's theory is right, you'll see more goodness in your life. If it's wrong, you'll still get to learn something about yourself and life. If you're like a writer like myself - or want to develop your writing skill - it'll help make writing a daily practice. At the very least you'll be more conscious about yourself, your environment, your life. All in all, you've nothing to lose, but so much to gain.
How to participate?
Write down at least one thing you are grateful for at the end of each day. No expectations, no obligations, nothing too large, nothing too small. Write it down. Even if it's just breathing or being alive.
At the end of each month we will invite you to share on what you were most grateful for, your "Gratitude Journal" experience, surprises - anything really - and it just might end up being featured on this website!
What do you need?
Yourself. And something to capture it all.
- Old School - You can decide to go all "traditional" and put pen to paper - a journal, diary, notebook, calendar.
- Tech Savvy - You can also go the techy route by using - your smartphone, tablet, computer. And guess what? There's an app for that! Check out Gratitude365 (iPhone, paid) and Attitudes of Gratitude (Android). You can also just use the good ol' notetaking applications like Evernote - a personal favorite - or the note feature on your gadget.
If you decide to go old school and you are currently in Ghana, we're happy to announce a special offer with the Energy Solutions Foundation - makers of these gorgeous journals (see photos).
You can own one of these beautiful recycled journals for a discount of 20-30%!
Just email ESF and mention "Circumspecte Gratitude Challenge"!
Sign Up
Up for the challenge? Got questions? Email me!
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