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Showing posts from December, 2010

Sharing Is Caring Series: Paulo Coelho 2003 Interview

Y'all know how much I adore Paulo Coelho. Well, saw this on his blog , and I just had to repost it here! His description of the writing process and himself as a writer just take my breath away! If you haven't read "The Alchemist" yet, please put it on your list of URGENT to dos!! Simple words with so much weight! Enjoy!! -- Google Alerts is great. Sometimes I found things about myself that I did not expect. Today I found an old interview for an Indian newspaper – and here are some Q&A Could you recall from your life where you felt the feminine face of God? It was in 1992, when I was sitting inside of a grotto, in Lourdes. Since then, I try to accept my feminine side. When I write, I am a woman. I got pregnant from life, and I don’t know how the baby looks like. My pregnancy cycle lasts for two years, and I don’t take notes, I don’t make plans. The only thing that I know is that life put inside me a seed that will grow when time comes. Then, when time comes, I...

Circum-Alert: BarCamp Ghana 2010 (Official Press Release)

BarCamp Ghana 2010 BarCamp Ghana 2010 , an ad-hoc gathering where attendees meet for discussions, demos and networking, will take place on December 18 2010 at the Ashesi University campus in Accra. The theme is  “Create dreams, work smart and shape the future”. Following the successes of BarCamp Ghana '08 and BarCamp Ghana '09 , regional BarCamp events were organized in Kumasi , Accra and Takoradi and Barcamp Ghana 2010 will crown the year as the national event. BarCamps all over the world have brought together individuals and organizations to collaborate on various projects and businesses. BarCamp Ghana’10 is a FREE event for anyone who is interested in using their skills, talent, and resources to benefit Ghana and Africa as a whole. This year, the focus is on telling stories and discussing ways of how entrepreneurs and businessmen can create wealth in a burgeoning Accra metropolis faced with a myriad of challenges. Unusually, the pivot of this year’s eve...

Circum-Flash: YOWLI 2010 + The "Little" Things

Design By Sughey Abreu Salut Tout le Monde! I hope each of you is having a restful Sunday wherever you are in the world. It's been a minute since I wrote a personal update on here and I think today's a good day as any other to resume that. So, I've been pretty busy over the past couple of months, and particularly this last month, preparing for the Young Women's Knowledge and Leadership Institute (YOWLI) 2010. I've generally been set on "GO" such that even when I'm sleeping, I find myself dreaming about YOWLI and which partners we're supposed to be following up on, whether so-so and so got their visa already, whatever happened to this or that. It's a whole lot, but I'm loving every bit of it as what was only a vision a few months ago is beginning to take shape. I'm SUPER excited!! The "Little" Things YOWLI 2010 is going to be a bit smaller than YOWLI 2008 which had over 100 people living together for a month on Goree Isl...

Poetry/Prose: A Million Falls

If only for the euphoria of picking myself up. Of putting back the pieces and dusting off the past. If only for the chance of the faintest sliver of hope in the darkest of hours. To be able to say, "That was then. This is now." For just the weightless air in my lungs, I'd risk a million falls. For looking back and seeing growth littered all over my path. For the opportunity to triumphantly declare, "I have overcome." To wake up one day and know without a doubt: everything's gonna be just fine. Or wiping that final tear and staring challenge defiantly in the face For naught more than the beat of my heart, I'd risk a million falls. For that larger than life experience. Of stepping outside my mind; observing from the universe's eye. Of watching as the pieces fall effortlessly into place. To welcome myself into the silent recesses of my soul. For the dawn of understanding about my vulnerability and insignificance, I'd risk a million...