Now that I have finally completed my personal statement for a graduate program, I think I can do this post on how to write a good personal statement, without feeling tinges of guilt (at not finishing mine). It's application season, and more often than not, recruiters require a personal statement. Whether its for graduate school or for an internship or job (they call those cover letters, but essentially, it's a personal statement, albeit a more technical/reserved one). So, this post will be based mainly on my own experience with writing personal statements, and also from reviewing and editing those of friends, colleagues etc. I hope you find it helpful, and if you have any other tidbits or questions, please feel free to leave a comment. Here goes: What's a personal statement? In my opinion, a personal statement is exactly what it says it is. A personal statement. Some people think they need to be very removed and technical in their personal statements, but that's b...
Ghana, Africa, Development, Lifestyle: A Panoramic View of the Exchange Called Life.