This is not an apology. For whatever reason, I feel it's important that this not be an apology, because then it would be premised on my not fulfilling some agreement or another. It's not an apology. Rather, it's an admission. Or better yet, a confession. I'm back in school for what shall inshAllah be the final year of my MA program with Johns Hopkins SAIS. I could very well make the excuse that I'm extremely busy , which I am, but that wouldn't be the entire truth. The core truth is that for a while now I've been struggling to (re)find my "voice" in the bevvy of activity that the blog world has become. I've been caught in a storm of "should be's" that was not there before, and since we're spilling all the truths, many times I've contemplated shutting this whole thing (blog) down. Why? I wish I could give a one-sentence response, but it's complicated. Believe me though, it's not you (the reader), it's me....
Ghana, Africa, Development, Lifestyle: A Panoramic View of the Exchange Called Life.