Principles I once read somewhere that the hardest test is staying true to who you are when surrounded by who you are not You ever think you’ve above all the peer pressure in the world? Well that’s exactly how you get taken in You try to do things the same way you’ve always done them and “they” tell you that if you keep doing the same darn things, you’re gonna keep getting the same darn results. And maybe they’re right. But see, they’re also wrong. Because they don’t know you like you know you. They don’t have that first class seat on the plane with the best window on the aisle, looking upon your life. And they don’t have to listen to that accusing or disappointed voice in your heart wonder when you’ll finally get it. You do. They say it’s a question of principles. And apparently, you’ve got too many. And maybe you do. But that’s for you to decide, not them. Because if given half the chance, they would be more than willing to let go of the steering wheel to their own convol...
Ghana, Africa, Development, Lifestyle: A Panoramic View of the Exchange Called Life.