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Showing posts from March, 2009

Circumspect Web Series: Earth Hour + The Next Big Thing

Earth Hour took place today (Sat. March 28 09) from 8:30pm-9:30pm ET all over the globe. Check out a CNN article at . The world is beginning to think green more in all areas of life. What are developing countries doing? African countries? It's the next big thing!! Here's the first video about the Circumspect Web Series. I'll do more work on it Summer '09 Inshallah.

TED Series

So about a year ago, I came across this series of talks called TED ( and its a conference series where the world's most innovative actors, thinkers, leaders etc in all sectors discuss ideas for the future, share their experiences etc. Anyway, I just checked out a couple more videos and decided to post them here because they are insightful, informative and interesting. I'll probably discuss some of the ideas and opinions at a later date. For now, I should get a-studying. Lol. Enjoy! Humanity Foreign Aid in Africa African Attitudes + Impressions Innovation, Leadership + Drive

Psychological Effects of Colonization Still Present

The subject of colonization is one that many people would rather avoid. To some, its occurrence was a necessary evil; one that propelled the now-developed world to the heights it has achieved. To others, it's a thing apart in itself; something ancient that took place under a different set of circumstances and with a different generation of individuals. Others consider colonization and the accompanying slave trade as one of the worst injustices served to humanity. Whether colonization is openly acknowledged or not, there is no doubt that it has played, and continues to play, a huge part in the state of the global community. Although the physical manifestations of colonization, like the loss of natural and human resources are recognized and considered in the development discourse, the unseen psychological effects of colonization are not given the attention due. These unseen effects translate into sovereignty issues which eventually show up on the development platform, and are longer-...

Fair Trade With A Pinch of Salt

Adding a pinch of salt to a meal can make all the difference. It usually boils down to a number of things; whether you like the meal or not, whether you’re willing to continue eating the food, and whether you’re ready to go back for more. There’s something so universal about the use of salt in kitchens across the globe, that one cannot ignore the immense impact of those tiny crystals on human life. Unfortunately, the impact is not always positive. The human rights abuses that result from the involvement of salt and other food products in the so-called free trade system often go ignored and are in most cases unheard of. On the pages of a travel brochure about Senegal, you are bound to see a photo or two of the beautiful Pink Lake, or ‘Le Lac Rose’ as it is known in the francophone West-African country. The lake derives its name from its spectacular pink appearance. The phenomenon behind the famous and interesting appearance of the lake can be traced to those same crystals...