…And at the end of the day, when all is said and done, you inhale, and then exhale. Alhamdulilahi (Thanks be to God)My 21st year has been simply exceptional. It was a year of so many blessings - in circumstances, realisations, people, places, ideas, notions...gosh, a myriad of shapes and sizes! It was also a year of so many lessons and a year of growth - both mentally, spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and physically. Most importantly, it was a year where I realized so many dreams and aspirations...and I think its the enormity of the latter that has me literally blown away. " And now that I am in at another crucial point in my life, I ask myself whether the realization that I could do and be anything I wanted to was actually a blessing or a curse in disguise. It’s potential as a curse being that I wouldn’t know what exactly my ultimate goal in life would be." These words were written by me in a college application essay in 2004. And about 4 years later, I can attest...
Ghana, Africa, Development, Lifestyle: A Panoramic View of the Exchange Called Life.